Social Action Group Hosts a Christmas Lunch for the Community

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Elderly residents across Tiverton were treated to a special Christmas lunch thanks to Tiverton Youth Centre.

Jackie Milton from the group’s social action group said it had been the fifth event of its kind and an excellent way to end the year. She said: “We have a different mixture of people and volunteers this year, so it’s really good. “It’s important for the members here at the youth centre to do this as they love the intergenerational mixing of old and young. It’s lovely to see them. They’re all a bit nervous when they start, but they love it.”

“We have been preparing while they’ve been at school, then after they finished, they have helped set the tables up, get the sandwiches ready, then we’re going to play bingo, enjoy some tea, have a raffle and then play another game of bingo.”

On behalf of everyone at Space, we would like to thank everyone at Tiverton Youth Centre for all their hard work!


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