Our Future

We’re DETERMINED to unlock more potential over the next 5 years


We’ve developed our strategic objectives in collaboration with young people, colleagues, trustees and partners.

We will reach more young people and their communities across Devon (and beyond), by;

Always starting with the young person, wherever they are at: 

  • With voluntary engagement and starting from their strengths

  • Creating safe spaces which are open to all young people 

  • Providing young people with somewhere to go, something to do & someone to talk to

Expanding the range of opportunities and scope of services for young people:

  • Improving practice, creativity and needs-led approaches

  • Expanding channel choice for young people - digital, phone, text, face-to-face - wherever they may be

Sharing knowledge & understanding:

  • Demonstrating evidence and impact for young people 

  • Improving research, marketing & communications to share young people’s achievements

  • Recognising young people as the experts of their own experiences

We will always be an outstanding, values-driven organisation, by;

Creating leaders of the future:

  • Developing young people, colleagues and growing talent

  • Being grounded in anti-oppressive practice

  • Delivering continued professional development and training for all

  • Employing professional staff to deliver professional services

Working collaboratively with others:

  • All partner’s interests matter

  • Leading and developing the Youth Work in Devon Partnership

  • Seeking new, and maintaining established partnerships with those who share our values

  • As a Public Services Mutual our decisions are always in young people’s interest

Ensuring we are sustainable and resilient:

  • Targeting funding which creates more opportunities for young people’s needs and interests

  • Growing the charity and its income, to be financially sustainable

  • Create a supportive and flexible working environment

We will advocate for a sustainable world, by;

Reducing inequality and challenging oppression: 

  • Advocating for young people and their communities

  • Challenging unjust societal norms with young people and their communities

Delivering social, environmental and political education:

  • Supporting young people to understand their rights and responsibilities

  • Being conscious of the world we share

Minimising our impact on the environment:

  • Continuously adapting working practices to prioritise planet and people

  • Educating young people and communities on environmental impact and awareness