7 years of unlocking potential with young people


It’s our birthday month as Space Youth Services and we want to share our highlights with you!

Since February 1st 2024, we’ve been unlocking potential with young people and their communities for 7 incredible years! Over this time, we have run and created services to meet young people's needs, adapting to the changes that have arisen.

We believe every young person deserves the chance to succeed. Over the years, our impact has been profound, with some young people transitioning from members of Space to volunteers, peer educators, and even staff members.

Our Impact

One individual's journey highlights the transformative power of our work:

“When I first started coming to Youth Club I used to be a waste of space. I used to spend all my money on drugs and food. I was a nuisance to the Youth Workers and my peers. At Youth Club one night they brought out the drugs box and I got to look at all the risks with one of the Youth Workers. This is when reality kicked in and I thought I don’t want to end up like that drugged up heroin addict sat on a park bench. I started to get to know my Youth Workers better and saw my mates still doing harder drugs and I decided to back out of it a bit. At Youth Club I started volunteering with the younger kids. I also helped with the cooking in the centre and I’m not gonna lie if i didn’t do that I would have been up the Park smoking. I was disappointed and surprised about what I had been doing. I am now more aware of myself and more responsible in and out of the Youth Club. I feel that talking to the Youth Workers has helped in my life changing type thing. I have matured more and take better life opportunities.” - Young Person

The significance of the youth sector cannot be emphasised enough, as highlighted by our CEO:

“The transition from childhood to early adulthood is rife with challenges and obstacles. A strong Youth Sector, with dedicated spaces and services for young people is vital. It's not unusual to see an increase in risks being taken by young people as they navigate their friendships as their horizons expand.

A trusted and trained youth worker can be the crucial difference between natural and healthy risk taking that builds confidence, and the devastating life changing impact of bad choices.” - Dan Barton, CEO

A standout moment from our Senior Youth Support Worker encapsulates the impact we strive for:

“Working with a young person on a 1:1 who was suffering from anxiety and trauma. They found it hard leaving the house. Within 5 months they went from struggling to go out to raising money for a mental health charity by doing a 20,000 feet tandem skydive. I've never seen a transformation like it. A few months after we finished our work together the young person sent me an email thanking me for changing her life for the better. I was so proud of what they achieved and how they broke down their barriers.” - Senior Youth Support Worker

Help us to continue unlocking potential

In 2023 we faced unprecedented challenges, we need your support more than ever. The cost of living crisis has impacted our funding, making your support crucial. Our focus in 2024 is fundraising to ensure continuity in providing essential services to young people across Devon.

Your support, whether a one-time or monthly donation, fundraising, or volunteering, is invaluable. Visit our website to make difference:

Thank you for being part of our journey. Together, let's continue unlocking potential and shaping a brighter future for young people in Devon.


Space’s News | April 2024


Empowering Communities: Ninth Hub's Grant Allocation Retreat