Could you guess the amount of sweets in a jar?


Young people who attend 100 Club Youth Centre, Exeter are running a competition for young people, staff and users of 100 Club to see who can guess the number of sweets in the jar. It is 20p per guess and all the money collected will be going towards Exeter’s Young People's Residential. 

Previously young people at 100 Club Youth Centre, Exeter have had the opportunity to go to Grenville House Residential where there was a selection of challenging activities for young people to take part in, this included high ropes, orienteering, abseiling and coasteering. The young people who attended the residential greatly benefitted as the trip helped them grow in their confidence and social skills, and also thrived being able to challenge themselves mentally and physically by stepping out of their comfort zones with new activities. 

We are really excited to be able to say the great success of the previous events means we can do it again this year! Young people at 100 Club Youth Centre, Exeter have taken it upon themselves to fundraise for the trip to happen. 

The young people at 100 Club Youth Centre, Exeter have been busy brainstorming and holding mini fundraiser events already, one including a Bake Sale that happened during sessions last November, raising roughly around £48.

They are now at it again with a fun and engaging challenge, to guess the number of sweets in the jar! It is 20p per guess and you can have as many guesses as you like. So far they have received roughly 55 guesses, adding up to £11 and one winner being our wonderful Kim from our admin team. The young people are going to continue this fundraiser up until the big day in July.

The jar has now been refilled and the guessing begins again! I wonder how many are in there this time?

Support Exeter’s Young People's Residential

Could you spare 5 mins to help support the young people's mission? We aim for this opportunity to be free from any financial barriers to all our young people at the 100 Club and with your help we can achieve this!

Help the young people achieve their goal by donating anything from £3 (the price of a coffee) to £20 (the price of a meal out) or more. Or support them by sharing their mission with your friends, family or colleagues. 

If you wish to find out more about the Exeter Residential Fundraiser and their upcoming events visit our missions page by clicking the button below.


The Hive YC Jumble Sale 


Save The Date For Our Upcoming AGM