Community Youth Work Support

Youth Work delivery support

Our dedicated youth work team are ready to work alongside you and your team to design bespoke support to help you set up, grow deliver youth work and manage risk.

Direct Support- We can provide support for a specific piece of work, or we can help you to lead sessions and plan programmes, working alongside your staff or volunteers for a defined time period if needed.

Practical Curriculum Resources- We have developed a set of basic tools to help organise, plan and deliver a wide variety of youth work.

Policies and Paperwork- Working with our partners at VOYC Devon we can help establish robust and sound policies, risk assessments and working practices for your club. 

Public Events- Local events are a great way to raise the profile of your youth club, we can bring some exciting equipment and help you raise your profile.



Introduction to Youth Work Programme (VIP)

A weekly rotation of five modules perfect for those starting out in youth work. You or your team could join us for one or all of our modules:

Session 1 - Planning great, safe sessions and reflective practice.

Session 2 - Youth Participation and Volunteering - What it means and how to get young people involved.

Session 3 - Equality and Diversity Basics Policy - Making our sessions and spaces safe and accessible to all.

Session 4 - Building relationships and professional boundaries - How to engage with young people. Why better relationships are valuable. What are professional boundaries?

Session 5 - How to challenge and change unacceptable behaviour - What do we mean by “Challenging behaviour”? The teams approach to “behaviour management”. “Why?” is more important than “What?”


Devon Youth Work Partnership


Together with VOYC we lead a partnership of over 50 youth clubs.

Small Grant Fund


Members of the Youth Work Partnership can apply for funding of up to £5000.